Are Zodiacs for Real?

The idea of a bunch of stars deciding our personality seems crazy, but some people are invested in it. “Who knows if zodiacs are accurate, “ Angelina Hu (9) said,” It will always remain a mystery.” Check out your zodiac at this website:
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The idea of a bunch of stars deciding our personality seems crazy, but some people are invested in it. “Who knows if zodiacs are accurate, “ Angelina Hu (9) said,” It will always remain a mystery.” Check out your zodiac at this website: CC BY-SA 3.0,

Olivia Semple, Staffer

Everyone has a common indulgence, their zodiac sign. While it may be impulsive, everyone looks at those horoscopes about zodiacs, searching for their sign. While some of these posts seem to speak to people, is your personality based solely on a star? 

Your zodiac or star sign is based on the position of the sun when you were born. The 12 signs vary month to month. Some believe that these horoscopes lead the way to a particular ideal of life. On top of that, each zodiac is based around an element, water, earth, fire, and air. These elements are said to describe your tendencies and strengths. However, a question still hovers, are these zodiacs legit, or just a scam?

Diving into the logistics, the Earth is moving, not the stars. A common misconception in zodiacs is that the rising stars determine that week’s horoscope. This is just false. This misconception has carried through generations; even Ancient Egyptians would stare up into the sky to see how their year would be. “We don’t know who first came up with the idea for looking at things in nature and divining influences on humans,” astronomer Sten Odenwald said. 

Even the zodiacs nowadays aren’t even the right time anymore. The Earth has shifted so much overtime that the star signs don’t align anymore. So also if these horoscopes are legit, it is seemingly impossible for it to all lineup. And there are now 13 signs instead of the perceived initially 12. It is certainly starting to seem like astrology is based on assumptions of what the writers of the horoscopes think people want to hear. 

If you look at each horoscope, you’ll realize that they are all variations of moods and personalities that everyone experiences. While people overtime have given certain types of personality traits to the zodiacs, everyone can relate to some part of each. “Everyone tells me that I am the exact opposite of my zodiac sign.” Angelina Hu (9) said. While some of us choose not to admit it, we are more alike than we think. While it may not be all at once, each of us experiences the same emotions and personalities. The horoscopes authors target each feeling that we experience and try to relate it to everyone. “It’s a guessing game. It fits by accident.” Pamela Semple said. 

Astronomy. Zodiacs, and horoscopes regardless of what you believe, are just a bunch of lies. The Earth, sun, and stars have moved so much that even if the signs were accurate once, they aren’t anymore. These Zodiacs have become an indulgence for many in an attempt to discover more about themselves. However, if no one told you what your zodiac sign was, there is no way you could guess it. Zodiacs and horoscopes are something we may never understand, and that chance of understanding it is like wishing on a star.