Off-Season Sports
After school, the track is usually crawling with high school athletes who are ready to get an early start to their season, but to the covid-19 restrictions, the students can’t use the schools facilities like the track. “I would love to be able to use at least the outdoor track, but I understand they’re using all these precautions because of Covid,” said Campbell Faust (12).
Since the release of the covid vaccine, spring athletes at CT are pumped for the increasing possibility of having a full season. However, the athletes are struggling to get vital pre-season training that they are used to, making an already chaotic season that much harder.
According to Avery D. Faigenbaum at the University of Massachusetts, his research published February of 2001 showed, “While the total elimination of youth sport injuries is an unrealistic goal, it seems prudent for high school athletes to participate in at least 6 weeks of preparatory conditioning (including general strength, aerobic, and flexibility exercises) prior to sports participation.” Preventing sports from pre-season training could not only be detrimental to the season, but could also increase players’ chances of getting an injury.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, CT had to close down some of their sports centres like the pool and track for off season sports. “We relied on one being able to use the hallway when the weather’s not very good and without access to either of those right now, I can give kids workouts, but I understand if sprinters don’t want to come and run when it’s 20 degrees,” said John Faust, the head track and boys cross country coach.
While some athletes have the privilege of being able to train with resources provided by their club teams, others had to go into their season blindly. Athletes who rely on school pre season training to get ready had to make due without.
“I think a lot of people are also in the same situation I am where they didn’t get to be able to practice because of covid and their club teams couldn’t find a pool. So I think the whole team is kind of not up to last year standards because nobody was able to practice for the longest time,” said Madalynn Rodau (10).
Pre-season training is not only important for athletes, also a honeymoon period, implemented to create team spirit and bonding. It is an opportunity for new teammates to make friends with the upperclassmen, for a freshmen to get a senior buddy to show them the ropes, and a chance for the coaches to put together their teams. Having a strong team dynamic is just as important as having a team in shape. Most of the players meet for the first time during pre season training and stay friends throughout their high school careers.
“My guess would be though, those girls if I asked them if they would have preferred to have five days or the two days like we had, they all would probably say five,” said Kevin Chatham, the varsity swim coach, “then they would have more confidence and be in a little better shape.”
Trying to find time to train for your sport while following all the rules and regulations can be stressful. Not only does off season training increase the chances of being injury free and create a sense of family, it also creates a sense of confidence. Knowing the ropes and understanding how things work can give an athlete confidence. Confidence is important for an athlete to perform their best.
“I’m definitely less confident this season because I feel like I haven’t had the training that I did last year. Last year I made state but I probably won’t make state because of everything and because I haven’t had as much training so I feel kinda out of shape in a way,” said Rodau.
Pre season training can be done without a team. Covid has given the others to be more dedicated to their sport by going and training on their own. However, finding the motivation to practice can be hard without the support of your team.
“We weren’t allowed to practice with the team as much which wasn’t motivating. So that was difficult, like running on your own because I don’t like running on my own, running with my team is more fun. But once I started running with my team, it was more fun,” said Lauren Hodges (12), a varsity cross country runner.
Though some athletes haven’t gotten the usual training that they are used to, just having a season is rewarding enough. Practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect, so even if you don’t have a lot, the CT athletes are prepped and ready for go time.