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Stories from The Trail

CT Today

Stories from The Trail

CT Today

Stories from The Trail

CT Today

CT’s 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee Pandemic Production

Hunter Shykind and Teagan Wedige April 29, 2021

The Cherokee Trail theater program puts on a production of the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, its first in-person production since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

60 Second Documentary: Evan Mata

Charles Vigil, Staff Reporter April 28, 2021

Evan Mata plays varsity lacrosse for Cherokee Trail. He explains how he manages school, varsity and club lacrosse.

Dancing Back into Action

Corbin Engebretson and Erica Inay April 27, 2021

Ever since the start of the pandemic everyone has had to adapt in their own way. Ms. Brown, the poms head coach, explains how her team has overcome challenges to continue to do what they love and...

CT Announcements: Week of 4-26

Congratulations to Julie Scheffel as the recipient for the Boettcher Teacher Recognition Award! Are you in need of summer school? Registration is now open and you can find the times and sessions on...

OP/ED: Burger Review

Bergen Backes and Alec League April 23, 2021

CT-TV staff members Bergen Backes and Alec League review burgers from Bookmakers Bar & Grill and The Copper Pot, two local restaurants in the Aurora area.

Sam Luber: Reaching New Heights

Lynden Joslin, Staff Reporter April 21, 2021

After months of training, and overcoming obstacles, Sam Luber, a Junior at CT, is soon to become a certified pilot.

CT Announcements: Week of 4-19

If you are finished with your textbooks or library books drop them off at the library to receive a treat once your account is cleared. Are you in need of summer school? Registration is now open and...

CT Announcements: Week of 4-12

This week is SAT and PSAT testing! Check the schedule on the Cherokee Trail website for more information on what day you’re testing. Registration for season D sports closes today! If you’re interested...

CT Announcements: Week of 4-5

If you need clarification on the new schedule, you can find it on the Cherokee Trail Website along with a calendar for how the rest of the year is going to look like.   Remember season D sports registration...

How Band is Navigating Playing Instruments

Rylie Barden and Teagan Wedige April 2, 2021

There are many sports and activities here at CT that have been affected by the COVID-19 safety measures, one of them including the band department. Mr. Guy, the band director, expresses some of the hardships...

Signing Celebration: Hodges Twins

John Orfila and Hunter Strand April 2, 2021

The Hodges twins recently signed their commitment to Colorado Mesa University for Cross Country. We explored the process behind their decision and more.

CT Announcements: Week of 3-29

Rylie Barden and Lynden Joslin March 30, 2021

Congratulations to all our season C athletes for having such amazing seasons! Good job guys! Season D athletic registration ends April 12th. These sports include baseball, girls golf, boys and girls...

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Stories from The Trail