The Magic Starts Now
At the boys’ varsity basketball game during halftime, this year’s wish kid was revealed.
People who participated in the reveal, including the cheer team, gathered during halftime in purple shirts for the reveal of Cherokee Trail’s 2019 wish kid. Students and staff who had a Wish Week shirt on, pre-ordered them and had to strategically hide their shirt until halftime when Raegan and her family could see all of Cherokee Trail united.
January 25, 2019
Wish Week is a great time of year when the community of Cherokee Trail comes together to make a dream come true for a child that has been diagnosed with a life threatening illness. This special year, marking the 8th anniversary, Student Leadership decided to let members of Cougar Faithful get involved in the reveal. Many students and faculty were invited to pre-order a Wish Week shirt and help reveal this year’s wish kid at the Boys’ Varsity Basketball Game on Wednesday January 23 during halftime. Students who participated were then asked to hide their shirts under a hoodie or jacket and wait until halftime when a leadership representative said, “the magic starts now,” at this time students took off their hoodies and revealed a sea of purple shirts.
“The goal of the reveal is to start it off on the right note, so that means that the reveal needs to be as magical as possible,” said Esther Eikins (12).
Katie Ellinger (9) participated in the reveal because she, “wanted to be a part of making Wish Week the best week ever.”
After the reveal, the student body finally found out who our wish kid is this year: Raegan Lawson, a three year old girl who has been battling leukemia for two years. Raegan Lawson’s wish is to meet Princess Ariel at Disney World, and with the faithful members in our community this will be the best Wish Week ever.
Raegan is a special wish kid, since she is a member of the Cherokee Trail community, with two of her sisters are attending Cherokee Trail as of right now, and hopefully one day Raegan will become a member of the school as well.
The student section of the game was filled with joy when they found out who our wish kid for this year was. “I was sad, but happy. I’m glad we get to help this kid and make their wish come true,” Katie Ellinger (9) said.
“Getting faithful members of the community involved helped show the wish kid this year that we care about them,” said Eikins (12). The community hopes that Raegan and the Lawson family continue to feel the generosity of Cherokee Trail from now throughout Wish Week. “I’m excited to officially be a part of Wish Week this year,” Katie Ellinger (9) said.
For more updates on Wish Week stay tuned on and Twitter @cthstoday.