Thankful Every Thursday
RAINING CHAINS. A decorative link hangs from the ceiling in Mrs. Krause’s classroom to remind students of what they are thankful for. “The chain has all of our notes connected so it makes for a togetherness-feeling in the class.” said Sierra Foutz (10).
December 4, 2019
The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are stressful ones, with students rushing to buy gifts while simultaneously cramming for finals and preparing for the end of the semester. There’s no better time of the year than now to stop, take a breath, and remember the good things in life, which is exactly what happens in Mrs. Krause’s class every Thursday.
“Thankful Thursday is a good way for students to look back at their week and remember what was good,” Mrs. Krause told her class. Classes in high school can get stressful, and taking a few moments to reflect allows students to ease a little of their stress. Every Thursday, students in her class grab a pen and write down on a strip of paper what they are glad for in the past week, students then hook and staple their papers to make a chain that is hung all across the classroom.
“I think it’s a way for us to be reminded whenever we walk into class that there is always something to be thankful for, no matter how chaotic life gets,” said Aya Benbelkacem (10). Benbelkacem has Sports Medicine first period and is welcomed every morning by the decorative chain.
“It’s a nice way to decorate the classroom and it has nice intentions of letting us express gratitude and reflect,” said Sierra Foutz (10). The uniqueness of Thankful Thursday is one that many students hope spread across the school.