CT Announcements: Week of 4-26
April 26, 2021
Congratulations to Julie Scheffel as the recipient for the Boettcher Teacher Recognition Award!
Are you in need of summer school? Registration is now open and you can find the times and sessions on the CT Website. Cherry Creek Elevation is also opening up an online summer school for students in 8th-11th grade. Use the link to register or to find out more information. ​https://cherrycreek.revtrak.net/
Another congratulations to the speech and debate team individuals who made nationals! Good job guys.
If you are finished with your textbooks or library books drop them off at the library to receive a treat once your account is cleared.
Seniors there are some important dates coming up for you. Check out the Cherokee Trail website for a spreadsheet on when those dates are and a description of what it is.
AP and IB exams are coming up. Make sure you talk to your teachers to find out when your test time is.
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