An Exclusive Interview With cthsbadposture_


CTHS Bad Posture is an Instagram page that has already gained a big following from the CTHS community. The Instagram account only a few days ago has gained popularity in showing pictures of students with bad posture. The person is blocked out and all fun and games as many people in today’s society have bad posture.

What inspired you to start the account?:
Cthsbadposture: I was inspired to start the account because I saw a TikTok about another school doing the same thing. I thought it would be funny because everyone slouches occasionally.

What do you think of the trend of CT Instagram pages:
Cthsbadposture: I think the trend of the Instagram pages is really funny and while some of them are rude, others are for jokes only and not to harm people.

Do you think the Instagram pages are a bandwagon?:
Cthsbadpostures: They definitely are a bandwagon and I definitely played a role in it.

Why do you choose to remain anonymous?:
Cthsbadposture: Two people run this account and we choose to remain anonymous because we don’t want people to think we are judging them, we want this account to be funny and not mean. By remaining anonymous we are taking the judge mental vibe out.

What is your intention of running this account?:
Cthsbadposture: My intention is to make people laugh and maybe sit up straight.

Check out their page: