A new sport and staff member has arrived at Cherokee Trail. Girl’s flag football began this year, and teacher Drew Robertson had the opportunity to coach this new sport. Robertson explains what led him to coach this new sport as a new teacher at CT, “My biggest interest in coaching girl’s flag football here at CT was definitely just the freshness and the newness of the sport […] a lot of the girls on my team hadn’t played before so I saw it as a great opportunity to solidify myself as a coach in the atmosphere,” said Robertson. Since girl’s flag football hasn’t been fully established at CT, Robertson shared some challenges in starting a new sport and how he plans to overcome them. “A lot of these girls hadn’t had any prior playing experience within flag football […] we’re going through not just teaching offense and defense and specific plays I’m also teaching the rules by which to play the game”. In addition to that, Robertson recognized the support the team has received support from the CT community, he mentions, “For example, they’ve scheduled us for practice time in Legacy Stadium nearly every single day that we have practice. That is a beautiful facility [and] I’m very grateful to have time in there with my team […] a lot of people around us want to see this be successful and above all else I think a lot of people realize that this is just yet another opportunity for girls to be involved in athletics.”. Robertson expressed his ambition to build the program and open another door for girls at CT looking to be involved in athletics. “In the long run, I hope to be a perennial contender for state championships [and] I’d like to see CT become a girl’s flag football powerhouse […] I know a lot of girls are looking for something to be involved [hopefully flag football is a good opportunity for them to do so,” said Robertson.
How girl’s flag football came to be
October 2, 2024
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About the Contributors

Anayla Apolinar, Team Leader
This is Anayla Apolinar’s second year in digital media and also her first year as a team leader. She is in her senior year and was born in Miami, Florida before moving to Aurora, Colorado in 2017. With her previous experience and recognition from the Colorado Student Media Association, Anayla Apolinar hopes to capture and share many stories with Trail Media. One of her favorite things about being a part of the digital media team is interviewing people; she loves to touch base on different topics while gathering different perspectives. As a team leader, Anayla Apolinar is looking forward to using her leadership skills to help guide the process of storytelling.

Peyton Ferguson, Staff Reporter
Peyton Ferguson is a Sophomore. It is her first year as a part of the Digital Media program. Ferguson loves playing softball, as she plays competitively for the school and outside of school. Her other hobbies consist of listening to music and hanging out with friends. Ferguson joined Digital Media because she enjoys the feeling of uncovering a new story and shedding light on different topics people typically wouldn’t think about.

Michael Mueller, Staff Reporter
Michael Mueller is a first-year Trail Media staff reporter who already really likes the program. Mueller joined the program because the program supervisor Mrs. Riggs was his teacher the previous year and that encouraged him to make the move from video production to Trail Media. Another part of the school Mueller is involved in is digital art. Outside of school, Mueller likes to play video games, his favorite video game is Call of Duty.