Throughout the school year so far, CT’s annual fall musical features unsung heroes with their hard work and dedication within the production crew. Pit Ensemble is commonly overlooked when it comes to our musical; participating in daily after-school rehearsals leading up to show week, having no recognition for their practice.
Pit ensemble enhances musical performance of Mamma Mia
Richie Nguyen, Ella Carter
November 20, 2024
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About the Contributor
Richie Nguyen, Staff Reporter
Richie Nguyen is a Junior and this is his first year being a part of digital media. He hopes to empower voices and give a platform for stories that aren’t obvious here at CT. Excluding Digital Media, Nguyen is part of the Business program and Orchestra program. He plays the violin and has been playing for almost 6 years now. He loves music from playing to listening in his free time. Nguyen also started the first AAPI Student Association and hopes to continue running the club until he graduates. As the year passes, Nguyen will work towards making enriching stories and giving a voice to those who aren’t heard.