Students line up to see if this might be the collage for them. The Career Fair comes once a year and these students walked away with a new idea of their future.
February 13, 2017
“GO AND GET A JOB!” says every parent, ever. Where do you start? What do you do? What is a resume? What college are you going to? Cherokee Trail has an event that will help get you started; the Career Fair is here. It is an event that helps students try and solve those problems. Colleges from all over Colorado, like Community College of Denver and Arapahoe Community College, come to CT and talk to students and get them on the right track. However, colleges are not the only thing that can be seen. Organisations, like Goodwill and YMCA are also at CT to talk to students and give information about what they are and what they do. But that is not all, as CT even had armed forces here to talk to students about serving this country.
Abigail Teige, jr., said, “… if you are on the edge about what you want to do then, yeah, go ahead and go, but if you already know what you want to do then this might not be for you.” She continued to say that even if you know what you want to do then you should still go to the Career Fair just so you can get a bigger idea of the jobs that are out there. If you could not make the 2017 Career Fair then you should go and see your counselor and see what they think.