Covid and its Effects On Sports
STRIKE ONE. Caitlin Cushenbery, is finally out of the dugout and back in the game after months of being benched due to covid-19. “It was hard,” she said “but I’m just glad we’re one of the sports that gets to play right now.”
September 29, 2020
GOOOOOOOOOOOALs aren’t being scored anymore. Sports completely went out the window as soon as Covid-19 stepped on the field. Although covid has a very intense offence, our defense isn’t half bad. Here at CTHS, the staff have already devised a plan to get sports back in the game.
The loss of sports has greatly impacted us all, but it’s been especially challenging for the faculty and coaching staff that run these sports.
“It’s weird,” said Mr. Johnson, the head coach of CT Varsity Football, “usually I’m doing something every fall. I’ve been doing something every fall for a long time… so it’s weird to not have games and practices.”
The fall seasons will begin September 12, the winter seasons will start February 22, and the spring sports will start soon after and lead into the summer. Now this is all good news, but it should be taken with a grain of salt because this plan is not set in stone. With the current situation CHSAA is struggling to decide which sports, if any, will come back this year. Although there are already precautions in place, some are raising questions about the safety of the players.
Safety precautions are undoubtedly being taken to ensure the well being of the players, but it all depends on if it is safe enough to do so.
“I don’t know how much risk frankly there is to our athletes. The risk is them taking it home to other, older, people. People that are at risk, or they come into contact and bring it to school and get it shut down,” said Coach Johnson.
The resumption of athletics, although long awaited, poses a public health threat not just to our athletes but also to the entire CTHS community. If not handled correctly the resurrection of sports could catapult us right back into the dark ages of quarantine.It is understandable how this would be off putting, but this is avoidable. With the anticipation of the new season, extra precautions were taken during the preseason to try and prevent any early outbreaks.
“We had to do temperature checks, we had to do this covid survey every day. We’re still not doing any off-season stuff, until hopefully mid September.” said Mr. Macklin, coach of CT’s girls lacrosse.
These precautions likely helped to ensure the future of the season. But they must still be taken seriously. Currently there are multiple club seasons, including one for girls lacrosse, taking place or starting up. Most of these club seasons are not directed through CT. Instead there have been multiple parent volunteers stepping up until CT gives clearance for the coaches to take over.
“I’ve got a parent volunteer that’s running a like club season for us,” said Mr. Macklin “We’ve got parent volunteers still doing some things, but it’s not really been associated with CT.”
Covid turned sports on it’s head, but at least there are people out there willing to keep the spirit of the game alive. We are all anticipating the return of sports, so stay safe because game day could be right around the corner.