The history of the Super Bowl stems back 58 years to January 15, 1967, which was then known as the First World Championship Game between two separate leagues, the AFL (American Football League), playing against the NFL (National Football League). The first two teams to play in the Super Bowl were the Kansas City Chiefs for the AFL and the Green Bay Packers for the NFL.
This year the same two teams that played each other two years ago went head to head again, the Kansas City Chiefs and the Philadelphia Eagles. With Super Bowl LIX (59) having just happened on February 9th, there are many opinions on how the Super Bowl panned out, as well as some predictions that were given before the Super Bowl occurred.
Before Super Bowl LIX was aired, there was a trend with Eagle fans, or at least people who wanted to see the Eagles take the third Super Bowl win away from the Chiefs, “I want the Eagles to win because they deserve it, and because I’ve watched them since I was little,” said sophomore Michaela Leighty.
While Leighty and others like her wanted the Eagles to win, some students believed the Chiefs deserved the win, such as Brinnon Cook, “I honestly think both the teams are deserving…but I want the Chiefs to have a three peat,” said Cook.
Considering a three-time repeat of winning the Super Bowl was on the line for the Chiefs, some people are not impressed with their performance in Super Bowl LIX, “the Chiefs got their butt handed to them, they did not play good…[they] had way too many dropped passes and their running game was atrocious,” said Logan Kruse. Kruse also speaks on his opinion on how the Philadelphia Eagles seemed to truly take control of the game, “The Eagles offense and defense was on point for a majority of the game which is why the score is what it was,” said Kruse.
Super Bowl LIX is one that will be in the history books as the Eagles were able to stop the Chiefs from being a three time consecutive Super Bowl Champion.