Morality and thoughtfulness are often tossed aside when a fish comes into question. Fish don’t have feelings, right? Eliana Brockman (9) says otherwise. Oreo, the goldfish, has taken the world by storm,...
After a week filled with unicorns and magic, Cherokee Trail High School has teamed up with the Make a Wish Foundation. To make a little girl's dream come true, CT's students worked hard to bring it to...
Hey Cougars, its Tanner Ruggerberg
And Vinny Chavez, and you’re watching CTTV
Bringing you news from the trail,
Happy WishWeek, Everyone!
Seniors, are you ready to rumble?
Have you ever sat and wondered what the meaning of Love was? Well today we as you watch this video we asked the people of CT what their view on love was as it would be fitting to see all the hopeless romantics...
With the world's newest word game Worldle taking the world by storm, The very best of Worlde must be found. This edition we have Isaiah Albright competing for the spot of Worlde world word winner.
Rylie Barden, Executive Producer
• February 15, 2022
Over the course of second semester the class of 2022 has been playing an intense and fun game of senior showdown. Rylie Barden interviewed Ashlyn Mannix, the one running the show, for more details on how...
Hi, I’m Tanner
And I’m Vinny and this is CTTV
Bringing you news from the trail!
Keep watching to hear more about a CT students trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo,
A recap about KIVA...
Travis Gray, a senior at Cherokee Trail is ready to continue his athletic and academic career at CU Boulder. Gray graduated in late December and will kick off his college career early, heading up to Boulder...
Rylie Barden, Executive Producer
• January 25, 2022
Brooklynn Tucker, a senior here at CT had the amazing opportunity to travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo. She expresses what she did while she was there and some of her favorite parts about the...
The recent shortage of workers and food is effecting many of us in this community. Landon Woodman and Isaiah Albright bring a story of this shortage in our school at lunch.